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الجمعة، 26 نوفمبر 2010

Alshakrp fourth and their relationship to heart

Alshakrp fourth (heart)

[A thankful heart and location of the rib cage behind the front and back on the spine between the scapula. This is the center of love, spirituality and emotions, they are most thankful at all because they contain the seeds of the ability to perceive God and sincere love for everyone and everything

Tahir is the true love that is free from selfishness and accounts or of any demands, the most important thing in human life and anything else secondary. Mentality of any information in this regard be secondary to the feeling of love. This Alshakrp also connects body, mind and spirit with each other. In these days there is no heart free from pain and other emotional problems as heart disease is the No. 1 killer diseases in America. The heart of deep pain that can result in clogged Aloora (karma) and called scar in the heart.
When the release of these scars or wounds arises from the mother, but old launches freedom of the heart to healing and growth of new
When these Alshakrp closed or not balanced you may feel pity on yourself and mistrust and fear of expressing what's inside, and the fear of injury or pain sense of the futility of love. May include physical illnesses such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, insomnia and breathing difficulties.When these Alshakrp balanced Vtkon kind and friendly and want to do good to all people
Members related to this Alshakrp are heart lung and circulatory system, shoulders and upper back. Alshakrp color is green and pink.Precious stone: quartz pink, red and Trcelin konzern (color pink).

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