Practical and keen ambition and is committed to patient and cautious and reserved, Zarif
Rank 10
Luck Stone Black Agate
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Practical and keen ambition and is committed to patient and cautious and reserved, Zarif
Rank 10
Luck Stone Black Agate
The best partner cancer
The worst partner pregnancy
Like dependency, knowledge of the subject of discussion, the firm foundations, and setting goals.Does not like reckless schemes, working without a goal, the behavior is shameful, and stupid. Capricorn of the most stable and serious towers. Characterized by serious personal independence and firmness and a lot of inherent attributes. It is usually very self-confidence, strong-willed and calm. It is also hard-working, practical, and cautious. If you set a target in mind does not rest even achieve no matter how longCapricorn is the director of first-class. Unable to make plans with high standards, improve the cash and the system imposes on himself and on around him. Draws plans and walk them. Places of work and its objectives before its own needs and comfort. As a result up to see the serious goals while others fail to do so. Capricorn's ability to organize to make it able to work on several projects at once
Respect of serious power, and as a representative of this authority is expected of his followers seriously the performance of their duties to the fullest. Capricorn very demanding but fair, and exaggeration that has created a sense of depression. Born Capricorn advised to spend times in meditation to gather their forces and to eliminate negative feelings
Love relations are seriously unhappy either personal or instability. See strangers treated with extreme caution. Not intrude on others, and thus does not allow them to intervene in its own affairs. Almost the only people who are able to understand. In transatlantic relations find a diplomatic, tactful and conservative. Although only a few of his friends he was loyal to them strongly, as well as is the Savior of the marital relationship
Profession fit for the account of Capricorn professions such as economics, finance, banking, and speculative trading and contracting and property management. Besides, you see fond of music. Capricorn skills in debate and dialectical logic makes it a masterful politician. Capricorn born improves management of educational institutions and successful entrepreneur
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