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الثلاثاء، 26 فبراير 2013

diamond stone

For Diamond is a material with a crystalline structure which is in the form of cubic often and sometimes it is in the form of an eight-faceted consists large proportion of carbon or aspiring coal under the pressure and temperature extreme, and despite great similarities between the constituent materials of graphite and diamond (carbon), but the characteristics of each varyfor other heavily due to installation Aldhiryns broad different each. and this similarity in chemical composition is invited scientists experience transform graphite Elly diamond was done by machine private internal pressure bearing temperature and Dat severe to convert graphite to diamond and resulted so-called synthetic diamonds. The age of the latest urgent found nearly one billion years old. It is more known materials and interest among over 3000 items discovered today. Has been known since ancient times as one of the gems value morally and practically.

 Legends diamonds Diamond stone fabled Old Dart around many of the legends and perhaps Indians first Astkhrjh of Managmeh in the Covenant Buddhist "400 BC. M." It imparts on from its spirit meanings of purity and fun and love so that the word diamond when the Greeks means safety and either the word "Diamond" is derived from originally Greek word "Adamas" meaning "invincible." The diamond Rafik Warrior The Chinese believe that the diamond has properties magic and hidden forces awarded warrior's ability to hide in the midst of battles either folks Malay, believe that a good omen and Yemen, especially if the urgent good shape and wrapped around the nucleus of a black or gray to the extent that those of Psoha amulet and talisman.

Diamond story
At a depth of hundreds of miles thick in the ground and inflamed and billions of years ago was born a miracle gem diamonds, which is the purest and stiffer stone known humans when exposed pure carbon atoms under the influence of the tremendous pressure and heat for Anasar and fusion together. When erupted volcanoes saved lava containing configurations carbon atoms "avenge diamonds" With exposure this lava for low temperature away from underground took the coldness and stiffness and reconstituted atoms themselves Vkont these crystals tetrahedral with compaction tight مكعبي closed and tidy, a diamond In contrast formed crystals from the same carbon atoms and but lepers hexagonal open consists granite these fragile material, which makes them pencils. In the sense that these carbon atoms and over millions of years has formed sometimes fragile Alkrani stones with black and other times accounted for more stones hardness and luster and value ... !!! Diamond

The African continent represents about nine percent of the sources of diamonds in the world if we exclude Russia can be classified diamonds into two classes, one gem that cuts an attractive and another user in the industry, which constitutes 80 per cent of Zonh diamonds and controls in this category four factors which size and color, shape and purity.

  Diamond Rating
Diamond production depends on a very high temperature in addition to the presence of pressure inside the Earth's surface, has found some studies to how much heat and pressure needed and wanted to get this gem:
- Temperature = 690 ° F / cm.
- Pressure = 70.000 kg box.

It does not have both of this temperature and pressure only at great depths under the Earth's surface (192 km), and diamonds come from the earth's surface by volcanic activity that has occurred since 75 - 120 million years ago. Always favored diamond assessing human since ancient times, and derived its name due to the Greek name "Adamas" which means "invincible thing or not predominantly" Aamea to toughness and explanation behind hyperbole price obtained scarcity and tenacity.

The evaluation and classification based on the color of diamonds and free of cracks and blemishes and uneven cut and size after polishing. Proverb says colloquial: not desperate remedies and are intended to not cut a diamond Allmas From the point of atomic structure of diamond, the carbon atom located in the center quad-faceted and keep regular and be the link between the atoms of the kind covalent and atoms too close together and that's why the power structure when the diamond where the distance between any two of them equal to 1.54 angstrom per equivalent of a part of the ten million fraction of a millimeter. The diamond Asld metals "intended Balsaladh he is not scratched" not matched in this property only material made ​​recently called "Albrazaun" But diamonds can inextricably any cracks in the levels of parallel aspects of crystalline leaving surfaces smooth and the reason for that that linkage in trends covalent with a range of doubled while the strongest trends can deliberate therefore Istaan ​​schizophrenic fragmentation of its advantages.

  This requires skill and ability scalped estimate and locate where each part is an urgent has its own advantages and natural lines of the split is done at a certain angle to be divided into two parts and form of the above. The steps second long they refine urgent and due to a diamond high, the refined not only be done using diamonds other very small you resolve and the formation of the urgent and determine the number of surfaces and must be equal space these surfaces engineered to get the most out of the light reflection, which shows the degree of luster urgent, and thus the value of the urgent .

Because diamond is very rare Valtnguib it is difficult and must blow up 250 tonnes of the metal from the earth dissident and then mined for only one carat of diamonds. "Measure the weight of a diamond is carat equals 0.2" grams and should not confuse carat diamond and karat gold, which measures the rate of gold metal net to a mixture of other metals in the golden piece. This is because the use of the word carat to name carob seed, which was used in ancient balancing the balance of natural completeness in terms of size and weight

 The color plays an important role in determining the physical value of diamonds Fetmenh rise was throwing to the blue and the light of the day and is completed following colorless diamonds Allalone In third place comes the yellow-colored dim At the bottom of the list settles diamonds and black smoker. Star Africa is the world's largest diamond found in the mines of South Africa's Alturnsgal and weighing 3024 carats have been cut to 9 large pieces and 96 small piece.The urgent "hop" فتعد of the most famous diamonds Almia and weighs 45.25 carats and I own a Louis XVI and then Marie Antoinette, as can be seen today in the Museum "Smithsonian" in Washington in the United States.

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