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الجمعة، 29 أكتوبر 2010

Diamond stiffer material

Natural diamond formation needs to unusual circumstances "to any temperature and pressure were extraordinary." Therefore, it is formed in the deeper layers of the earth's crust, and in places rich in diamonds, diamond overflowing molten on the surface and freezes, but that does not happen only rarely

Know the history of science numerous attempts to produce industrial diamonds such attempts did not succeed as a whole, either because the basis of the way was a mistake, or because existing tests did not find the devices that provide them with varying temperatures and high pressures together . And only in the mid-fifties of this century I discovered modern engineering final solution to the problem of production of industrial diamonds. As expected Valjravet is the preferred material that starts with the interaction, and that exposing them to a pressure of up to one hundred thousand atmospheric pressure, up to three thousand degrees Celsius.Now is the production of industrial diamonds in many 

countries of the world
Installation of a diamond is the most complete in the world of crystals. Vdhirat ideal geometric arrangement of carbon, which makes Bllorath very solid.If we can not make the diamond more solid, it is possible to make more material hardness 

of the diamond
And the production of such material chemists prepared the basic material .. It is a chemical compound of boron and nitrogen, called Bnetrid Boron (Boron nitride).
The crystal structure of this compound is similar to the crystal structure of graphite.For this so-called boron nitride with graphite after White
If it is possible to convert graphite to diamond Black ... Why can not obtain a 

substance similar to the Diamond from Graphite White
Because the output is Alborazon (Borazon), a substance more than diamonds in hardness, while the scratch smooth surfaces of the diamond and can withstand high temperatures, it is not easy to burn Alborazon. Alborazon and still very expensive, and there are some efforts being made to reduce the price

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