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الخميس، 25 نوفمبر 2010

The seven chakras in the human body and function

Alshakrp initial - root:

Thankful to the root base and Maladhara called in Sanskrit. Alshakrp are positioned down the spine and the pubic bone from the front. Which is responsible for the basic needs of life, security and safety of these Alshakrp related to land and provide us with the ability of the ground contact when trying to do anything in life or physical access to the material on the needs of the energy will come from the success of this Alshakrp. If this Alshakrp closed the person feels that he is afraid, worried and unreliable and frustrating is the center of radiation and white light cyan when we see it on a spiritual level higher.
A center of physical life and the religious center of the slave awareness within our material. Accordingly, it is the basis of human existence in the physical world (natural) and whether these will be closed Alshakrp feels that without the roots of the spiritual aspect of the physical
The evolution of the karma caused the fluctuation between the physical and spiritual dimensions if this process goes positively, then you will feel equally everything and you will feel that you are able to do what you want to do physically and spiritually. The root Alshakrp Schark your presence when you are vibrating and emitting white light, soft and have a close connection with love mother
Possible problems of obesity, anorexia and knee pain. The members of the body related to this Alshakrp is the perception and the legs and genitals, and lower back and the colors used for this Alshakrp are red, brown and black
The gem on this is Alshakrp carbuncle smoked quartz and tourmaline stone and blood and stone, rubies, and Chinese wood and snow cuff and black obsidian (volcanic glass black).The sexual organs of the male are found in the initial Alshakrp Therefore, the sexual energy in men are usually physical (physically), while female genital stationed in the second Alshakrp therefore Vtkon sexual energy then both emotional and sexual energy evolved in Alshakrtin
Alshakrp second (abdomen)
[Alshakrp second is the abdomen located 2 inches below the navel and its roots in the spine of this center is responsible for the basic needs of sex and morals, learning and assessment for oneself, friendship, passion and ability to link with others in a friendly way. How they are affected by the expression of emotions during childhood.
That an appropriate balance in this Alshakrp means the ability to express emotions freely, feeling, and reach out to others sexually and if this Alshakrp closed the person feels that an exploding emotionally manipulated by and obsessed with the ideas of nationality or feeling of a lack of energy may also include problems of somatic (physical) and double kidney and bragging down back, constipation and contraction joints
The base color of the orange Alshakrp is: when these Alshakrp clean person will be thinking positive thinking will not penetrate any ideas confused (confused ideas dealt with by the selfishness and hatred) because Alshakrp nationality is responsible for the purity and light pink pure
When Alshakrp Nationality clean when the person reflected the purity of the unconscious and his life is positive without any complaints, and approaching from the other, where man lives in harmony with the reality of life so doing, the man himself to create a region of the unconscious has both positive or negative effects of purity and light pink pure
Gem for this Alshakrp: Bloodstone, ruby, tiger eyes, amber, pearl moon and the ancient stone, carnelian, coral
Alshakrp third (solar plexus)
And designate a concentrated solar Aldvrip 2 inches less than the rib cage in the center behind the stomach. Is the center of personal power and place of the (self) and the passion and anger, power, and the rush is the center of impact and to receive spiritual guidance and development of psychoanalysis. Lack of balance in this Alshakrp makes you feel a lack of trust and become your thoughts are muddled, Guess concerned about others and their ideas and feel that others control your life may cause you intense frustration
When you feel balanced and cleaned Ptsag with others and live an affluent lifestyle without conflicts to be positive in your relationships become Asraatk Nzaatk and the confrontations of exciting and useful lessons away from the fighting.- Other physical problems that may arise from lack of balance in this Alshakrp are physical / difficulties digestive / liver / diabetes / fatigue, nervous / and food allergies
Be sure to balance to feel happy and your respect for yourself and your sense of the forces of the strong personality of the body that belong to this Alshakrp are) the stomach / liver / gallbladder / pancreas:The color of this Alshakrp is yellow.Gem own topaz, carnelian, citrine and red and yellow calcite
Alshakrp fourth (heart)
[A thankful heart and location of the rib cage behind the front and back on the spine between the scapula. This is the center of love, spirituality and emotions, they are most thankful at all because they contain the seeds of the ability to perceive God and sincere love for everyone and everything
Tahir is the true love that is free from selfishness and accounts or of any demands, the most important thing in human life and anything else secondary. Mentality of any information in this regard be secondary to the feeling of love. This Alshakrp also connects body, mind and spirit with each other. In these days there is no heart free from pain and other emotional problems as heart disease is the No. 1 killer diseases in America. The heart of deep pain that can result in clogged Aloora (karma) and called scar in the heart
When the release of these scars or wounds arises from the mother, but old launches freedom of the heart to heal and grow again.- When these Alshakrp closed or not balanced you may feel pity on yourself and mistrust and fear of expressing what's inside, and the fear of injury or pain sense of the futility of love. May include physical illnesses such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, insomnia, breathing difficultiesWhen these Alshakrp balanced Vtkon kind and friendly and want to do good to all people.- Members related to this Alshakrp are heart lung and circulatory system, shoulders and upper back. Alshakrp color is green and pink.Precious stone: quartz pink, red and Trcelin konzern (color pink).Alshakrp fifth (throat[Its throat down the neck contact center and voice and expression and the creation of ideas, through speech and writing. The throat is the store of anger, which called for Annan. When these Alshakrp is balanced you feel that you are limited and quiet and you feel weak, so you can not express your thoughts .. ((under the weather and skin problems, inflammation of the ear and throat dry and burning and pain in the back.))- When these Alshakrp be speaking very well balanced and centered and inspiring when you feel Your peace of procedure did not never shaken sense of power by force is not just a normal but derived from the divine.- Parts of the body that includes Alshakrp are: throat / neck / dental / and permission. The base color is light blue.Gem is: peridot, lapis lazuli (blue color)
Aalshakrp sixth (third eye):
Between its eyes above the nose in the middle of the front is the center of psychic ability, higher education and the power of spiritual energy and radiation and the Centre for the vision and clairvoyance (seeing beyond the scope of sight) and His Highness the temporal and spatial thinking. Green light rays net (who grow this Alshakrp have the possibility to see what others can not see through the power of Alshakrp VI) where they can receive counseling and up to the highest levels of mental health.- When these Alshakrp is balanced you may feel: fear of success, not sure of yourself .. And become selfish ego may appear high physical symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, blindness and eye problems.
When you are balanced and open: Do you feel that you are master of yourself and do not fear nor be affected by physical objects. The members that fall under this Alshakrp: Alainnin / facial / brain /
- The base color is dark blue.
Gem is: Amethyst (purple / violet) and cyan (cyan)
Alshakrp seventh (top of head) coronary:

[Alshakrp is negotiable to penetrate the light and color is yellow and gold. It represents wisdom when they are clean and open Alshakrp rights will teach everything and understands everything mysterious in life. And location of the top of the skull it is a center of spirituality and enlightenment, energy and practical ideas. They allow the flow of wisdom and come cosmic unconscious. A call center with God and the silver cord that connects Alaora Balshakrp coronary. Spirit comes into the body through the coronary Alshakrp at birth and also departs from which is formed at the death when this is balanced Alshakrp rights will feel frustrated, and not fun and a mixture of emotions shattered. The cause of some diseases such as migraine, headache and psychological distress.
- When these Alshakrp balanced person becomes unable to communicate with God and access to the area of subconscious and subliminal. The base color for this Alshakrp white and pink.
Gem Quartz Crystal is the net .. Opal and amethyst when a person has a clean crown chakra color turns yellow to golden color of the soft and luxurious color to become this Alaora and therefore have an impact on the other excellent

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