Treatment with precious stones stand-alone medical science, and placed stones at specific points in the body refers to the disease suffered by the patient. If the problem is in the liver, for example, placed the stone on the liver area.
(You can put stones on the body chakras Body Chakras to activate it. And usually required the patient to hold the stone in the palm of his hands because the chakras are also present in the hand. But not in favor of the chakras on the spine because it stimulates the chakras more than the required rate
Always preferred to follow the patient a way of life safe and healthy food. Also advise them to practice yoga to purify the body of toxins before beginning work on the chakras with precious stones, it is necessary in the development of stones on the chakras to know where to position and specifically how much of the time).
Constipation can be precious stones utmost treatment or adornment in India, for example working astronomers to detect any stones that help provide him with rights and power.
Precious stones used to treat physical ailments, mental disorders, emotional impact is both a catalyst for positive tendency in human life.
But we must be careful when using gemstones because some of them contains the energy is very strong. If the patient is not fit to receive this amount of energy has caused him this stone effects and adverse reactions. Some who were ill-used seizures.
Chevy precious stones most diseases, except in cases of late disease, the disease has reached the seventh grade of the disease such as cancer, where diminished his chances of recovery. It is therefore difficult to address the cancer patient with precious stones only. The optimal treatment is that which integrates the various natural remedies, an approach similar to food, air, exercise and positive thinking.
Can not precious stone that causes harm to the patient if you do not hold him for a long time any more than ten minutes. If you use this stone for decoration Vcaour bearer comfortable or disturbing depends on the willingness to accept personal or energy in it. Those who wear their diamonds do not fear them because diamonds do not have an impact if they are small scale is also used in ornamental jewelry, and stone in order to be effective should be great.
It is best if the use of any precious stone is also available in nature without breaking or polished or drilled because the vibrations is from within. The form of the stone is linked Maiith no effect on the holder, and precious stones direct correlation towers on Astronomical and childbirth, and the name of his parents ... Because this information is personal fit any stones suit them.
Wish some of those who know the value and benefits of precious stones by placing them in the house but before they could piece to make sure they do not adversely affect other family members. It is better to find a stone suitable for everyone. It is necessary to clean the stones from time to time in salt water and put it out when the moon is full to capacity shipped the same moon.
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